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Missing him so... faking christmas is harder than I thought.


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The love of my life committed suicide on Nov 6th.

I have two kids from a previous relationship and having a hard time getting through christmas. Any suggestions?

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I have been going through the same.. He went 2 months ago.. I would suggest you to stay away big celebrations but stick e your close family members.. Think that they want to see you happy.. And I think this would be the best present that you could give the people who care about you..Think this way: Life is still going on and you have people loving you, what if one of them was gone instrad of him? You would be in grief and pain as well.. So just smile at the people who are waiting for you to smile for a long time.. Be with them, listen to their daily life problems, be there for them, have a nice dinner w them... You will ser it gets better and you will not think about it for some time. Don't isolate yourself from people.. Talk when you want to do. But I see if you had the courage to write here and ask people then you want to do something to keep going.You will. Just believe in yourself and the people around you..

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Faking it is exactly how I feel and with our kids and grandchild here for the holidays his absence felt even stronger to me! I still can't believe we're suppose to be here without him. I have well meaning people telling me after the New Year you'll start to feel........ yeah right. Starting the New Year without him just feels wrong and my heart feels even heavier. I miss his love, touch,

smell, and even the things that pissed me off all the time! My twenty month old grandson goes around looking for his grandpa when he comes to our house and grabs the pictures of them together and points out his grandpa, so I know he's missing him and I just can't stand the fact that Scott will never be in his life anymore. They were best buddies and loved each other so much. I try to hide my sadness a little more now but some things just break my heart. I know things have changed and things will get easier to accept, but right now this is how I feel as I go through my mourning and after all what is four months compared to thirty years!

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