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Lost parent 4 years ago and still will emotionally break down?


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Hi guys,

I am brand spankin new to the forums and to be honest this is my first ever posting about any grievances occurred in my life. I lost my father at 16 (I am not 31) and my mother when I was 28. About a year later I lost my uncle and aunt. They were the ones who helped me when my mom died. I couldn't of done it without them. And that was the last of my family. No siblings, nothing.

Time has healed and the scares are not so fresh and visible, but every once in a while I will just break down. Almost as though I am a small child again looking for someone to care about me. This seems to happen especially around Christmas. I will hear a song we use to listen to and wham-I am in a funk crying uncontrollably.

After four years I would think I would have a little more control over my emotions. Does anyone else ever feel this way? Is this normal?



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