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unusual circumstances


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I signed up for this site years ago when I ran a non profit hospice home and shared it will all my patients families My husband died Nov 2011. It's such a mess A nurse gave him medicine via the wrong route and it led to his death 2 weeks later. The nurse did not admit to it until after the surgeon went to the medical director and told him something was very wrong It was too late The nurse documented the med administration incorrectly He lied on the charts. How do I get past this to be able to grieve the right way. I can find no empathy for this nurse. I am a nurse and I wanted to leave nursing when we found out what happened. And we did not find out what happened until after his death. I have lost other people I love. I still cry for them. I just don't know how I am going to cope with this so I can grieve "properly". Has anyone been through anything like this?


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