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What do I do as a mother?


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My daughter lost her father in 2007. She's been recieving emails saying her father is a murderer, and that he deserved to die, and that its a good thing he's dead. We've reported it to the police, but they haven't been able to track the person yet. This morning I found her with her wrists bleeding, and a knife on her bed beside her. The hospital sewed her up, but that's not going to solve the problem. I know she's been struggling with this. Even though Chris and I were divorced, I was still devastated as well.

I've already lost the father of my children. I don't want to lose my daughter as well. What do I do?

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Dear Anna

I am so sorry for the loss of your husband and the terrible events that are now happening. I am glad your reported this to police. I would also ask the hospital where she was treated for a referral to an appropriate therapist.

Grief council for the entire family would also be helpful.

In my thoughts

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I, too, am sorry for your family's loss and the terrible ordeal your daughter is now experiencing. I agree with Betty that counseling is definitely in order for both of you.

Perhaps your daughter can be convinced to not open the email address where she received the nasty, ugly emails and to let the police take care of the obviously disturbed person(s) who have sent such abhorrent emails to her.

We will be thinking of you and your daughter.


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