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I HATE Friday evenings!

UnderHis Wings

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UnderHis Wings

There are very few people on any forums or chat and I'm home without anyone to talk to. Last night I put together two 100-piece puzzles with a six-year-old grandson. He helped me with the first one, then abandoned me on the second. So tonight there is nothing to do besides laundry and housework which I've been doing most of the day. My mother doesn't like for me to call her in the evenings because she's watching TV; she lives in another state. I haven't seen her in eight years.

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I can relate to how you feel. You at least have a Grandchild near cherish that!!! I have no family near. The one daughter that lives the closest is 500 miles away. It is hard to deal with such a loss all alone. I wish I had better advice or more comforting words for you. I wish I could make everyone here feel better. I am so frightened of the Holidays. I don’t know how I will be able to face anyone during the time of Year Mary loved so much. I am going to want to crawl into a hole and not come out.


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Check this site for your area and you might be surprised what you find - groups of ALL kinds for all ages etc. It's helped me.


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I understand, I also hate the evenings and the weekends. I also used to be a morning person, loved the morning. Now I despise it, I have to wake up and realize my new reality everyday. I will be online tonight and this weekend if you need to chat.
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UnderHis Wings

I can relate to how you feel. You at least have a Grandchild near cherish that!!! I have no family near. The one daughter that lives the closest is 500 miles away. It is hard to deal with such a loss all alone. I wish I had better advice or more comforting words for you. I wish I could make everyone here feel better. I am so frightened of the Holidays. I don’t know how I will be able to face anyone during the time of Year Mary loved so much. I am going to want to crawl into a hole and not come out.


Believe it or not, it helps me just to know someone understands. I'm sorry that your daughter is 500 miles away! It appears that your wife died less than a week after my husband was diagnosed. I'll think of you at Christmas. It is my favorite holiday and I think about it all year long.

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UnderHis Wings

I understand, I also hate the evenings and the weekends. I also used to be a morning person, loved the morning. Now I despise it, I have to wake up and realize my new reality everyday. I will be online tonight and this weekend if you need to chat.

I hope things get better for you and the rest of us. It may be too late, but I hope to see you in chat.

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UnderHis Wings

Check this site for your area and you might be surprised what you find - groups of ALL kinds for all ages etc. It's helped me.


How interesting! I never knew about this. Thank you.

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Believe it or not, it helps me just to know someone understands. I'm sorry that your daughter is 500 miles away! It appears that your wife died less than a week after my husband was diagnosed. I'll think of you at Christmas. It is my favorite holiday and I think about it all year long.

Thank you, This site has helped me more than most can understand. I cling to this site and cherish the words of comfort I find here. Mary knew how much I loved the computer and I keep looking to see if she might communicate through it. I just wish I could find some kind of comfort knowing she is safe and sound in heaven. I will work hard to be able to meet up with her again. I want to spend eternity with her. I miss her so much it physically hurts, I have never cryed this much as long as I have lived. I will never understand why we are not together right now.

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UnderHis Wings

Silly me! Thursday nights are starting to feel like Friday nights. I hope Wednesday nights don't start doing that to me!

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mdanielson4 - i feel the same as you as far as you don't understand why you aren't you with loved one, and if they are safe and sound in heaven it's tearing me apart.

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