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Chat Room


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Just wondering if any of you think it would be good to establish a kind of loose timeframe for gathering in the chat room. Would love to hear which days/time of day are convenient for you to chat if you have a desire to do so. As for myself, the best times for me would be anytime after 5 pm Central Standard time on Monday - Wednesday and pretty much any time of day Thursday - Sunday. if there is an interest, we could try to find the most suitable time for the majority of people and try to have a schedule to go by. i have clicked on the chat room numerous times, but no one is ever there. Just want to see what you all think. Thanks. Linda

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Hi Linda, I hear what you're saying but think you'll get few if any to commit to any schedule. That said, there has been a semi-regular presence in the early evening timeframes, generally speaking. You can see if anyone is in chat because a number will appear next to the word "chat" with how many are in there FYI. Of course I think people tend to be more likely to pop in if someone is there vs not, so sometimes it helps to log in even if no one is there and "hang out" for a bit (I sometimes do and check back off and on). Hope to see you around sometime.......

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Thanks for the advice. I think I will follow your suggestion and log in from time to time and wait in the chat room and see if anyone shows.

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