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And now it does. Last Thursday at 5:23, I watched my mom take her last breath. Her pacemaker kept her heart pumping until they put a magnet on her chest and it shorted out. I haven't cried. I feel numb.

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Maren, of course you belong here. the sooner you get here the better. it sounds like you need support right now and you are wise to seek it out. this is a very supportive community of people all going through their own losses. i myself lost my husband just on july 5 2012. i still feel numb. the numbness is the body's way of protecting you from the pain. i encourage you to post again, you'll be amazed at the support here. it has helped me through this darkest of hours tremendously. and, for me, i find the chat room great relief. it gets really active at times. right now i am needing to chat, but alas i am the only one up this early?. I respectfully say I am sorry for the loss of your dear mother. Come back for support when you feel ready; we'll be here. peace, val

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I posted separately that my mother and my father died last year within 6 weeks of each other. We knew my mother was going to die 6 weeks before she went, although didn't know the time frame. I wish I had. I also wish I had known about this site before she died because that is when I began my grief. I cried and cried, sobbed and sobbed when someone asked me about my mother. I was devastated. I remember talking to someone (a friend) who asked me about her. I told her very matter of factly that she was dying. My friend was shocked. She said I had never said that and I said we didn't know until now. We spoke for a while, I was calm mosty. After the conversation I just sat in the kitchen and sobbed. I was inconsolable! My husband came in and was so upset about my state that he told me I shouldn't talk to her anymore because she upset me (which of course she didn't).

Anyway, grieving, as I have learned, is not always about the "after death." It happens before. And I have grieved on even after her death.

I am so sorry for your loss. It's a process. Let it happen.

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