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The first birthday I will not be able to wish my Mother, a Happy Birthday


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So i'm 24 y/o old, my mother died this past December 2011. I manged to make it through the holidays, (Christmas, 4th of july, even summer in a way is a holiday, she LOVED it), but here coming up in under a half hour, I've got her birthday to get through. And all this time, I will say I have been strong, I feel I am doing a okay with coping.. But tonight it's really hard. I said months ago to my younger sisters who are now 16, we could have some cake and what not.. Which I do believe for them, I will go over and see them to do that.. I tend to not let them see when i'm feeling really down regarding her, because it hurts them more. We talk very open about her all the time, memories, great times, even her death... But tonight is just rough, I miss her, I miss her everyday of my life, and I'd certainly give anything to be able to call her up right now. When in reality all i have left is her voicemail. :( ( i'm lucky to have that ) Does anyone have any tips or advice or something to help me get through this day... Thanks for listening.. and thank you for having this message board.

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cant move on

Sorry about your mom. Birthdays are hard, especially the first. Think of her and celebrate her life. And don't be afraid to wish her a happy birthday even though she's gone. I've never done it, but have often seen families celebrating birthdays at the cemetary.

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