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Hi all,

Next month marks two years that my friend/co-worker lost his 20 year old daughter in a car accident. In addition to sedning him a card, I was thinking of a plant as well. I though of a peace plant, but would really like to send a plant wiht yellow flowers (yellow was his daughter's favorite color), maybe even something that he can plant in his yard, or something that may last a few months at least.

Any suggestions on what kind of plant would be good to send?

Thanks, in advance!


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Jeff's Mom

Hi all,

Next month marks two years that my friend/co-worker lost his 20 year old daughter in a car accident. In addition to sedning him a card, I was thinking of a plant as well. I though of a peace plant, but would really like to send a plant wiht yellow flowers (yellow was his daughter's favorite color), maybe even something that he can plant in his yard, or something that may last a few months at least.

My personal favorite is the Day Lily Or rose bush. It is a dependable blooming plant that flowers year after year in the garden and is showy combined with other flowers. It will be the gift that keeps on giving.

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