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new here, lost brother two weeks ago


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Maybe it's too soon to talk about, but I am feeling so lost. Two weeks ago my 22 year old brother was walking home from a night out with friends and struck by a car, which killed him instantly. He was only a quarter of a mile away from our mother's house where he was staying. No one was negligent, he was just the wrong part of a dark road without much of a shoulder at the wrong time. He was an adult for such a short amount of time, and I was so happy to be getting along and looking forward to establishing a stronger relationship now that he was getting settled down in the US (he had been living abroad until recently). Because we weren't living together, very little of my day-to-day life has been effected, but when I think of him my heart hurts so much and it's impossible to believe he's gone.

Thank you for listening, and for those who have shared their stories on the board. This experience is so far removed from anything my friends and family have been through, I feel very alone and I hesitate to share anything with them for fear of alienating them with my grief when I need them around more than ever.

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Maybe it's too soon to talk about, but I am feeling so lost. Two weeks ago my 22 year old brother was walking home from a night out with friends and struck by a car, which killed him instantly. He was only a quarter of a mile away from our mother's house where he was staying. No one was negligent, he was just the wrong part of a dark road without much of a shoulder at the wrong time. He was an adult for such a short amount of time, and I was so happy to be getting along and looking forward to establishing a stronger relationship now that he was getting settled down in the US (he had been living abroad until recently). Because we weren't living together, very little of my day-to-day life has been effected, but when I think of him my heart hurts so much and it's impossible to believe he's gone.

Thank you for listening, and for those who have shared their stories on the board. This experience is so far removed from anything my friends and family have been through, I feel very alone and I hesitate to share anything with them for fear of alienating them with my grief when I need them around more than ever.


I am so very sorry about the loss of your brother. You can share your loss with us, we will be here to listen.


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Thank you, it's a comfort to know there are others going through similar times.

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In my opinion you are not right. I am assured. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.

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