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Best Friends Husband


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My best friend married an ex of mine from high school. We dated for like 2 weeks when we were 15 and I dumped him because.....well he didn't do it for me. So he's "hated" me ever since. Fact is, the guys had it for me since we were 13. Well, the whole time my best friend was living in Texas, I kept having dreams about when they moved back to VA. In the dreams,her husband and I had sex or something would go on between us behind her back. Those were just dreams though.

Well they are back now and each time I have hung out with her, he is constantly insulting me and picking on me. Like he says things like he hates me and other insults, but the fact remains that he sure pays me quite a bit of attention. Frankly, it makes me feel very uncomfortable because I don't want it to start any problems between my friend and I. I've tried saying "for someone who hates me you sure pay me a lot of attention". And I noticed that I got a glare from my friend for that comment. I have no idea what to do because the whole situation is awkward, he's paying wayy too much attention to me, whether or not he tries to play it off as him hating me, it's pretty obvious that the guy has always had something for me.

Like I said, I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose my friend, but my dream is coming true in a way being that her husband still has some sort of sexual/emotional attachment towards me.

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