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Long Ago, Still So Near


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Hi everyone. I'm new here and so appreciative to have found a place where I can discuss and share my story of loss. Even though my brother died decades ago, I am still grieving for him, and for me. Not all the time, but sometimes. I have had loads of opportunities since his death to grieve. At this particular time of my life, I am struggling with issues surrounding my brother's illness and death. I was twelve years old when my father told me that my nine year old brother had four years to live. It was four years later to the month that he did die. We didn't always get along, but he was my best buddy, and I loved him. So many things happened in those four years. And in 1969 times were so different in the way people dealt with death and dying.

Right now it is 10:30 am, and I have been awake all night. I looked on line for a grieving group in my area where I could attend a meeting. There are only three listed, all of them too far to drive to. I am so glad to have found this site. I do want to share, but am now getting too sleepy to write everything I want to say. Plus, I want to be more alert when I go into detail. So, I will return when I've had some sleep. Thanks. Blessings.

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Hi Eileen Flo,

I am very sorry about the loss of your brother. Sometimes, when we "stuff" our feelings or don't deal with them properly, they surface unexpectedly. You have really made a good choice in coming here. We will be glad to support you and help you through this process. One of the best ways to process through a loss is to talk about it and how you feel.

So, when you are ready, go ahead and tell us your story. We will be here to listen.


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