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Loss of husband unbearable


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My husband of almost 34 years died on March 31st of heart failure. He was on hospice the last couple of weeks. The last day before he died was so bad. He told the nurse that he wasn't afraid to die, but that he was worried for me and that I would not be able to move on.

He was right. If feel like I am frozen in time. I don't want to move on without him. How can a person move on when half of them is missing. I know that he is with God and does not have to suffer anymore, but I am selfish. I want him back.

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My husband of almost 34 years died on March 31st of heart failure. He was on hospice the last couple of weeks. The last day before he died was so bad. He told the nurse that he wasn't afraid to die, but that he was worried for me and that I would not be able to move on.

He was right. If feel like I am frozen in time. I don't want to move on without him. How can a person move on when half of them is missing. I know that he is with God and does not have to suffer anymore, but I am selfish. I want him back.


I am so very sorry for the loss of your husband. Of course you are reeling from the shock of it all. It would be tough in any circumstance to be suddenly without your love after such a long time. It is very tough to move forward, but for now just concentrate on getting through a little at a time. Your feelings of being frozen in time is a normal feeling, although it can be miserable.

So are you talking to people? Do you have anyone to share your feelings with? What are you doing with your time? Are you taking care of yourself?

We will be here for you,


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My husband of almost 34 years died on March 31st of heart failure. He was on hospice the last couple of weeks. The last day before he died was so bad. He told the nurse that he wasn't afraid to die, but that he was worried for me and that I would not be able to move on.

He was right. If feel like I am frozen in time. I don't want to move on without him. How can a person move on when half of them is missing. I know that he is with God and does not have to suffer anymore, but I am selfish. I want him back.


Im so sorry for your loss and I do understand how your feeling, because Im going through it myself. I lost my husband at the end of Januaryafter 11 beautiful years, and its been very rough on me to move forward. Everything seems so empty without him there. I dont sleep and everywhere I go reminds me of things him and I done together, so I cant go there because it hurts to much. My husband died from a brain bleed after fighting his way through brain cancer. Its been a long year battling the cancer and he had that beat, but then the bleed happened and took him from me. My life is frozen in time and its very hard to move forward and I feel your pain. I keep asking myself if this is what he would want me to do, and that helps me get through the day to try something new. Maybe that can help you also. If you want to talk

Im here for you if you need someone to talk to.

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My husband of almost 34 years died on March 31st of heart failure. He was on hospice the last couple of weeks. The last day before he died was so bad. He told the nurse that he wasn't afraid to die, but that he was worried for me and that I would not be able to move on.

He was right. If feel like I am frozen in time. I don't want to move on without him. How can a person move on when half of them is missing. I know that he is with God and does not have to suffer anymore, but I am selfish. I want him back.

My hubby died June 21, we would had been married 32 years September 20. I am going through this too. It is very very hard. today was my first day back to work. He always wanted to take me so it was hard driving my self, then he would come in and come to the deli to get me so that was very rough when that time came today. I am all alone as my son is always gone and I live far away from everyone. I don't understand why this happened.

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