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Its almost Father's day two years since my dad passed

tractorman daughter

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tractorman daughter

I've been missing my dad more often this year than last year. I don't understand why.

My dad passed away two years ago in March. He had Parkinson's desease. He lived untill he was 82. I watched him for several years get worse and worse. I became his power of attorney when I was 19 years old, but didn't actually have to use the power untill I was 24 years old. I would never want him to come back and suffer longer, in fact when he died it was a relief. He was in bad shape and when he left I know he went to heaven. I know he is in a much better place, but I miss his hugs, his talking, his love. I miss him back when he was more able to move around and give me advice. We enjoyed eachother's company. I was a daddy's girl. I have my mom, but my relationship with my mom isn't as good as was with dad.

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Hi: my mom had parkinsons also, wow i loved her so. been 6 months im getting better but she was my best friend and i miss her so sometimes.

Prayers for healing and comfort. I may take a trip to scotland to help ease my pain but i am told it rains alot so florida is on the agenda as well. I need to get out of jersey for awhile. Praying for you, i joined a grief support group, my mom was 87 and a wonderful lady full of life and energy till the parkinsons started taking over.

Praying for your healing and comfort.

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Hi: my mom had parkinsons also, wow i loved her so. been 6 months im getting better but she was my best friend and i miss her so sometimes.

Prayers for healing and comfort. I may take a trip to scotland to help ease my pain but i am told it rains alot so florida is on the agenda as well. I need to get out of jersey for awhile. Praying for you, i joined a grief support group, my mom was 87 and a wonderful lady full of life and energy till the parkinsons started taking over.

Praying for your healing and comfort.

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