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Loss is just the start of the dominoes


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@KayC inspired me to share my magnet, which says “Enjoy the little things in life for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”

At first, this was bittersweet for me. I couldn’t help thinking of all of the little things that Mark was to me as well as the big things. But over time it came to mean that every day I need to treasure the special things that happen even in my new life without him. We should all have memories that carry us forward in the future.

Even though it often feels like it, losing that special person should not mean you lose your entire life. Healing, like many things in life, is a process. The journey you are on will continue in fits  and starts as you move into your new life. Give yourself space and grace as you learn to live without your loved one.






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3 hours ago, BohoKat said:

@KayC inspired me to share my magnet, which says “Enjoy the little things in life for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”

That is so special, thank you for sharing it!

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On 10/17/2024 at 11:46 PM, Morticia said:

After the death of my spouse 4 months ago I don't find value in much. I don't want to live in this house without him, work the job I took to support him or take care of his prize winning orchids. Is the loss just the beginning of a domino effect? How much has to change before you start to feel ok again?

I'm so sorry. Your feelings I think we can all relate to, to one degree or other. There is no pat answer to the timelines ("when will I start to feel OK") etc, and it's a gradual thing...but the upside is that, realistically, over time, you WILL start to feel better. Not dancing in the streets exactly, the pain never goes away entirely, but most likely it will subside over time...those angry waves that knock you down at every turn now will become less frequent and less harsh as well; that searing anguish will morph into more of a dull ache. Still not exactly something one would put on their bucket list, but far more preferable and manageable than what you're dealing with now. So, realistically, believe it or not, better days are ahead. Hold on. I hope this site can help in some way. It's a great group of people who "get it." 


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