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Our Anniversary- 24 years


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24 years ago, I married my best friend. The one I laugh with, live for, love. Together with our children, family, and friends we created a life made up of struggles and love; the latter being the greatest. Three and a half months ago, I said good-bye to that friend and lover. If it weren't for my kids, I would be in a very bad place... today. I can't even begin to tell you how much this hurts...I know you will understand.

To my husband: I miss you with every breath, with each beat of my heart. I would do anything, anyone asked me to have you in my arms. You were my world for 26 years. Now, my world is shattered. I have no direction, no inspiration. I miss you so very much. I need your strength. I need your love. I need you.

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Aimee, I share your feelings. I am so lost without my husband of 32 years. He left this world on April 17th and my world was destroyed. I miss him so very much......he made me laugh, he showed his love for me constantly, he was everything to me. The only thing that keeps me going are my two boys and my granddaughter. My heart goes out to you and everyone here. Losing a loved one is so unbearably painful.

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I am so sorry for your terrible losses. But if I may, and if this comes out wrong pls accept my apologies, but I am reminded of something I heard once about loss - if you lost more than many have, consider that it's because you already had more to lose in the first place, and had it for a very long time. ie despite this tragedy, in your life overall you have actually been far luckier than many. Many never find love, let alone have it for so long. Many go through life with only "spurts" of relationships that don't last, are in loveless or even abusive relationships, etc etc. And about half of all marriages end in divorce.

PS I include myself in this. Despite my loss and feeling quite convinced that life hates me with an intense passion, I know there are much unluckier people out here.

You were married to your best friend for more than double the time I was married to mine. You had, and likely will have till your final days, children. We had none. And so on.

I guess I'm just saying try in the middle of this insanity to do what may seem a crazy thing and count your blessings. And yes, I have a hard time with it too, pls understand I am not "preaching" and not in an ivory tower. :) For what it's worth

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I take no offense to your comments. I find them quite comforting. I realize how lucky I am/was to have loved so deeply and completely for 26 years. I am blessed for it. As many here, I am trying to make sense of it all. I will never know the plan, nor am I expected to know. I am trying to figure out how to live on my own. I have never had to do this... I went from living with a family of 10 to living with my husband and now with our two children. I, like many, am scared.

I appreciate and welcome any advice or observations that people have to offer. So with that being said, thank you. I pray for a peaceful heart for you and everyone else here who has had to endure this pain and emptiness. Be blessed and trust in Him.

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