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Illness ....healed?


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I have seen many kids and many adults get sick with cancer because of the pandemic I also am greiving not just for losses of friends and family but  because I sense my sibling is going through treatments and is sick. All I can do is pray but sometimes crying helps release and sonetimes complaining also helps I hate it here because I was forced disabled it is a hell to me and then a doctor broke my foot, then another doctor didn't do everything I asked then we yelled at each other , another doctor put me on meds that almost kilkedxme abd made it seem like what she did was harmless it c9mpr9mised my immunity system swelked me and I almost had another heart issue because of it. It is hard to trust doctors. My only joy is children, painting, and comedy.  

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Hang on to those things you love.  

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Thank you I read a lot if scripture and oray and tey to look at positives I am a co median and I also paint look for me online kim lefave on I atageam it's backwards. 

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