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Saw this today and thought it sounded very heartfelt and I'd share it here...



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Thanks for posting the interview. The part that I zeroed in on was Luke's fortunate realization that he needed to step back and pull away shortly after his dad's death. As he said, being in his early 20s, there were the voices in his head (and likely around him as well) telling and encouraging him to "be tough...don't worry about this". At that beginning, there were the outer pressures of meeting this hour of heroism where he thought it was now his job to "lift the spirits up of the network" convincing himself that this was the way to honour his father...but thankfully (and miraculously really), he caught himself in this moment. He became self-aware that this wasn't helping him process what had happened and deal with his loss and grief. It's something that I think so many of us here come to understand. I knew that I couldn't be somewhat of a hero with my partner's death. I also grew to resent those who I detected thought that I should be....the "you can do this" crowd. 

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