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So... Little back story...


Hi my name is Jaime and I'm 32 also an orphan.

Never thought I would say that in my life.

I lost my mom a year and a few months ago.

Then this year has been even worse.

I lost my Grandma Jan 27th... Then I lost my father on February 23rd.


I have such horrible grief for the loss of my mother and I cry so hard. I have nothing of hers or her ashes cause the hotel I was staying at? Threw them away. She was my best friend and the parent I adored the most.


My father? Not so much... I'm having issues. He caused the biggest trauma in my life and I've never forgiven him for that. I didn't even get a letter from him. Everyone on that side did and all this stuff... But his only child? I got nothing. I still loved him but at a distance.


Having a lot of just... Grief and heartache.

Can I have advice on how to cope with it? I truly appreciate it.

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