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A terminal prognosis ...

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Well today was a day that nobody can ever anticipate. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 liver and bone cancer. She will be going into surgery on her spine and her femur, and then a liver biopsy. To say the carpet has been pulled out from beneath of me and my brothers is an understatement. My twin and I are 47 and my older brother is about to turn 51. My mother just turned 70 in December. As you can see by the ages, she was a  young mother, and we grew up being very close. She was a single mother, and did everything on her own. She is simply amazing. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I k now that the greif has already started. I have cried off and on all day, and struggled to eat. I lost my father when I was 33, and that was tough. This will be MUCH harder. I am the momma's boy. My mother and I are very close. We talk every day, and I have shared everything with her since I was born. She used to take me out of school so that we could go to the mall, and then eat cob salads. We've had such a cool and unique relationship. I will miss her profoundly. At the moment, I am numb. I have no idea what the point of this post really is. Maybe it's just to introduce myself, and to feel a part of community of people who might be able to relate. As we go these posts will clearly have to change to past tense,  but right now I am just living in the moment and putting one foot in front of the other. Thank you in advance for any support. 

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I'm so sorry to hear about this. At least you have your brothers so you all can help each other through. I hope she is able to beat the odds!

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I have a sister who had breast cancer badly she had a full masectomy and got back lymphatic cancer. I pray for her and her family everyday she us so secretive about it . I'll 8 can do is remain positive and oray. 9

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