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My therapist said I should consider meeting with a grief group. I hate the thought of meeting in person with a bunch of strangers at this time. My work involves a lot of peopling and I can't do a group right now. Anyways, a little backstory; my dad died. He had stage four cancer and I was his caregiver and executor. Nothing with his estate went as planned. It cost me tens of thousands of dollars to finish everything through. I am still so ANGRY. He failed to set anything up right and I got completely screwed while by brother lives a very privileged life (partly my doing). He failed to get preventative healthcare that could have saved his life. HE FAILED TO BE ALIVE AND PART OF MY LIFE. I have accomplished so much since his passing and it kills me that he will never know about any of it. He would have been proud. Anyways, I need to let go of this anger. I am so tired of carrying this around and apparently it is wearing on my body. My depression is at an all time high and I am not sure how much longer I can keep this up. 

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