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1 hour ago, KayC said:

I remember in those early days pretending he was away on a trip.  But of course on a trip he would call...

That was something I did too. Tom was an avid runner so I made believe that he was just out on one of his long runs. What's remarkable back in those early days, Tom's daughter mentioned to me that her four year old son said "it's like Grandpa is out running right now". She and I both wanted to believe that her little boy was right. 

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1 hour ago, Sar123 said:

@weswej When I would get the “what ifs” playing in my head, the only way I can stop it is saying to myself “I can’t change the outcome even though I wish I could.”  I am going down the “what if “ road less frequently now because I know where it will end- I can’t change the outcome. 


That seems a useful strategy to me. Adopt a mantra like your saying "I can't change the outcome even though I wish I could." I'll have to think on what would be a good mantra for me and employ it to drown out the wail of the "what ifs" in my head. Thank you.


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13 minutes ago, HisMunchkin said:

I don't know if this will help anyone else, but any sense of guilt from finding potential faults on my part in hindsight, I would talk to my husband and tell him that, "I am so very sorry.  I wish I had....[insert all sorts of things that I felt I had done wrong]..." and to "Please forgive me."  Just to let it all out.  

That's a great idea too. I can see that helping.

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2 hours ago, weswej said:

"You can't change what happened; life is not fair. Honor the love you had with him."

This is good to remind yourself of.

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