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Hi everyone, I lost my mom in 2020 and in a community in my family I have two brothers and a father who don’t want to speak as much in the topic of my mom. It’s sucks and it’s hard because I want to share memories but I feel like the grief I had buried deep down that it has ruined the outlook of my life, Childs, and husband. One is this normal and two how can I process this with a family who isn’t open minded and three how can I better take care of myself and my family I have which is my husband and child. Thank you! 

  • Hugs 1
  • Moderators

"Normal" in our society is not the same as "normal" to us who are grieving.  It's what society teaches them.  But honestly, I see your way as healthier.

Parent Loss: Continuing Their Song

  • Angel Wings 1

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