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Will we be reunited in heaven?


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Are there any Christians here who can help me understand? My husband of 20 years recently passed so I am reading the Bible for clues about the afterlife. I understand that Jesus said there would be no marrying in heaven, that we will be like the angels. But does mean that the marriage relationship really ends in heaven? Will we never be reunited with our beloved spouses? That seems sad to me. I want to be with husband for eternity. Is there any hope for that? The thought of never being with my husband again leads me to despair.

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"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."  what could be more comforting than to meet them again in Heaven?

Though I'm not a strict Bible-believing Christian.

I love the Chronicles of Narnia, btw.   My favorite books.  Have you read C.S. Lewis's A Grief Observed?   He went through a lot of questioning and wondering he talks about in that book.

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On 1/16/2024 at 11:23 AM, Narnia68 said:

Are there any Christians here who can help me understand? My husband of 20 years recently passed so I am reading the Bible for clues about the afterlife. I understand that Jesus said there would be no marrying in heaven, that we will be like the angels. But does mean that the marriage relationship really ends in heaven? Will we never be reunited with our beloved spouses? That seems sad to me. I want to be with husband for eternity. Is there any hope for that? The thought of never being with my husband again leads me to despair.

Hmm....it seems to me it's saying people won't GET married in heaven, not that they still won't have their relationship with their spouse. I'd bet anything that of course your relationship doesn't end; that wouldn't make any sense.


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widower2, thank you. I find that comforting. I know there is a verse in Song of Solomon that says love is stronger than death. So it makes sense that a marriage would still mean something in the afterlife. Thank you.

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Boggled, how true. I can't imagine a loving God withholding such a source of joy. The one that comforts me is thinking of being reunited with my sweet husband someday.

I have C.S. Lewis' A Grief Observed but am just beginning to read it. He definitely understands despair or coming close to it. It's good to meet a fellow Narnia fan. I love Narnia even though I am 54 years old.

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Seems to me the Chronicles of Narnia aren't only for children, but children can come at them with clear eyes.  

Harder for adults.  

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Boggled, how true. My grown nieces refused to read The Chronicles of Narnia because they above such "elementary" stories. How sad. They totally missed the point. Children are more humble.

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On 1/17/2024 at 9:32 AM, widower2 said:

Hmm....it seems to me it's saying people won't GET married in heaven, not that they still won't have their relationship with their spouse. I'd bet anything that of course your relationship doesn't end; that wouldn't make any sense.


Hmm, never thought of it like that!  Regardless, there's no doubt in my mind I'll be reunited with George, how could it be heaven if not!

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On 1/17/2024 at 2:48 PM, Narnia68 said:

Boggled, how true. I can't imagine a loving God withholding such a source of joy.

Of course not. That's why it would seem to make sense that our beloved pets join us as well...but who knows... 

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I figure if there's some random lion and lamb up there, why not my Arlie and Kitty, etc.?  Only makes sense to me.

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