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Starting to have dreams of my partner


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It started yesterday - I woke up to us carrying urns around together.   This morning, I woke up and in my dreams we were both alive and enjoying life together.

Since it did not start, or I do not remember any sort of dreams starting with the night of his passing - 12/08/23; I imagine I am dreaming because the initial shock is wearing off, and my mind is starting to process.

I wake up with a huge sadness from these dreams, the reality of him not being here hits immediately.  I cry and wail for the loss of the true love of my life.   Only to attempt to find some solace in the fact that he's home with God, that he's getting all the love he ever wanted from God and the Universe.

I start to consider how, I've no need to spend time analyzing or thinking about the unfair realities of life, that it's so fragile, or that our existence on planet Earth is finite.

He was beautiful, he will always be beautiful, he died young.  I love him, I miss him, I dream about him.  What's a dream now - just a memory, but that's all I've got now, memories.  I'm both happy and sad for the dreams.

Edited by JonathanFive
Spelling, grammer, fluidity
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I must dream, so they say, but I don't remember ANY dreams.  I'm sorry you're going through this, and surely empathize!!  

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I tried to update my profile picture to an image of us, it hurts so much, can't yet

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I've only had a couple of dreams of George, about a year after he passed. No idea why as we were always together.

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Rey Dominguez Jr

Same as KayC, I have only had a couple of dreams of Veronica since she passed in June.  But in those dreams she was healthy, whole, and smiling as we were walking and shopping together.

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