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Loss of parent


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My father died 3 years ago unexpectedly. There is no such thing as closure just finding the strength to go on

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You are absolutely spot on!  What you have learned on your journey thus far is the same as we have all learned, there is a beginning to grief, but not an ending...it does, however, evolve with time.  Thank God.  I would hate to be stuck in the beginning pain indefinitely.  (((hugs)))

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Thank you KayC. Thought maybe I was being grouchy   🙂

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A deep wound is painful and bleeds for a time. Gradually the cells come together and make a scab. When it falls off, the deep wound is gone but a scar remains. It stays with you all of your life, but the pain is no longer unbearable. 

Not a great wisdom giver but that's my metaphor for grief. It is the part of life we all dread, but have to go through. Unfortunately. 

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