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Remembering You Two Years Later


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It's been two years to the day since you passed. I still carry you with me sometimes, although I can never plan on when. The smallest things might remind me of you, or they might not. You come to me when I choose to and when I don't. I notice when you would be with me and when you wouldn't. I enjoy your company in these "in-between moments," as I've come to call them.

I miss hearing from you, I miss running with you, I miss laughing with you. Saying I'm grateful for what I have feels like both an injustice and an honor. But all the same, I'm glad that I can still find you in our friends, in running, in myself, and in the in-between moments. Your company keeps me in the present while I revisit the past.

It's been over a year since I've been home. I'm returning later this month. Hopefully I'll have time to visit your grave, but even if I don't, I'll remember you. I'll remember you as I'm with our friends in the places you once were. That's the gift you've given me: I can experience the past, present, and future all at once, and you're my means of transportation, my legs as I run through time.

Thank you for everything, my friend forever.


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God loves you, and he cares so much, I am sorry your going through this situation, but God will always make a remarkable sparkle big or small it matters to him!😊

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