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Thanksgiving down, Christmas to go...


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Two classic movies. Yeah this is a hard time of year. I don't do decorations until Dec. To me, Nov = Thanksgiving, Dec = Christmas. 

Wine has been a common companion!

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Local forum Grinch here…up until last year I only put up a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.  You know the little fake one with one red ornament.  I was perfect for me!  Apparently it was so well loved it fell apart 😩 .  Sooooo last year I planned on not putting up a tree but then I noticed this trend of small desktop Christmas trees with all types of small ornaments in the craft and dollar stores.  I knew this was right up my alley so I bought one.  All my Christmas decor fits in a bag that sits on a shelf in my storage closet.  Takes me 10 mins tops to put it all together and no one can say I’m a Scrooge with no tree! Ha!

I remember when I was young my grandma having a small Christmas tree in the corner of her house on a small table and thinking how sad and wishing she’d just TRY!  Well, here I am lame as all get out with a two foot Christmas tree in the middle of my dining room table and happy as a clam about it and guess what?  I don’t care! lol!

Sadly, I don’t drink so I need to find enjoyment where ever I can!

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We need to find you a vice then ;) 

I'm thinking of this as my "tree!"  https://www.target.com/p/6-875--34--battery-operated-lit-ceramic-christmas-tree-green---wondershop--8482---no-aasa/-/A-85360528

Yes I remember my great aunt and uncle who lived next door to us had about a 2' silver tinsel tree in their living room with plain red ornaments on it as a kid and thinking "geez why don't they get a nice big tree and all"...I get it now...

I don't do much for decs but I try to be a little festive...a wreath on the door, some garland on the mantle, a few knicky-knack things here and there........ 


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Rey Dominguez Jr

I am thinking I will set up the nativity set that Veronica really loved to have up for Christmas.  For me, that is an easy thing to do as well as honor her memory.  Something else might inspire me to do another thing, but, really, there is no Merry for me this year.  

The desk/table top tree might be interesting.  Wait and see how the days and my emotions progress.

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On 11/25/2023 at 3:42 AM, widower2 said:

I don't do decorations until Dec. To me, Nov = Thanksgiving, Dec = Christmas.

I'm with you. My extensive Halloween decor came down the day after and while I am now planning my Christmas display, nothing gets plugged in until December. I love lights and I do it up big...neighbors tell me their kids look forward to it every year...so grief isn't stopping me. It can't hurt and it might help.

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You know, I wasn't feeling it the first year but my son took us out and cut a tree for me and put it in the stand and got the lights on it.  My daughter cajoled me into helping her decorate it.  And something happened...seeing George's and my ornaments on it (it's a memory tree) made me feel he was here.  I put up his stocking and we put messages in it to him.  And I've done it ever since, this will be my 19th Christmas without him.  I was thinking I wouldn't be able to get my new tree out and up by myself this year, but my son is coming and will help me, and my granddaughter will help me decorate it.  I'll worry about the taking it down part later!  

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