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Thanksgiving...there are things to be thankful for


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ugh sorry to hear Kay! wth? Hopefully not for a bad reason (injured etc) - if not, boy I'd be ripping her a new one. 

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Kay It never ceases to amaze me how inconsiderate some people can be. To top it off, these same folks often come up with the lamest excuses as to why they never contacted you. This may sound like 20th century, but to me, communication is more important than automation.

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2 hours ago, KayC said:

I texted her and got a response this morning saying she thought I was going to my church. Why would she think that, she totally didn't rememberr inviting me to the Methodist dinner with her! 

Hate to say it again but...............folks often come up with the lamest excuses as to why they never contacted you.

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Glad it ended up working out Kay! oy. As I said in the other thread...can't it just be April??

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4 hours ago, RichS said:

Hate to say it again but...............folks often come up with the lamest excuses as to why they never contacted you.

She texted me and said "If you would have really made it clear..."  ARE you KIDDING me!  She ASKED me, I accepted, what could be clearer than that!  She was gone Tuesday, on the phone in her bed Wednesday, on the phone all morning Thursday, didn't answer my text Thursday morning...hmm, wonder what  I could have done different?  Oh yeah, turned her down...😡  Some people can't accept responsibility for themselves.  So over this, but just stop texting me with lame excuses.

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She's not into sports.  This is BIG for OR!  The last one, so sad.  You'd think they could continue doing it just for the fun of it, no PAC involved!

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Oregon will lose. Why? Because I want them to win. ugh

Edit: so glad I was wrong! 

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Rey Dominguez Jr

Yesterday, I did a morning driving shift for the Red Cross, sat with Veronica at Miramar for a bout an hour, stopped with good friends, and went to my son and daughter-in-law for dinner.  When someone would say “Happy Thanksgiving” i just could not answer with the same greeting.  The words would not come out.  This Thanksgiving was not happy for me.  

But on a different note, I am “one of those people”.  Veronica and I are Dallas Cowboys fans since our childhood and she would have been happy with the final results yesterday between the Cowboys and the Washington Commanders nee Redskins.

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A Cowboy fan?? I'll have to ask the admins if you're still permitted here.



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4 hours ago, widower2 said:

A Cowboy fan?? I'll have to ask the admins if you're still permitted here.

widower2:  The first paragraph was really written by Rey. Somehow, Jerry Jones stole his identity and added the second paragraph without Rey knowing it. :)

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I'm one of those "Yay Sportsball!" people who just hopes both teams had fun.  Lol, my mom and dad are really into basketball watching now and so when I call them on the phone I listen to all the latest and try to refrain from dumb questions like "this is basketball, right?"  They were hoping OSU would win, since they are from Oklahoma.  Oh, and my mom grew up in that town where they are having the gang war now.  Weird. Tiny town, much gang violence.  

I'm thankful that I still have parents to talk to.  They are getting older, and a lot of people my age do not.  

I'm thankful for my kids, who are wonderful. Their dad would be soooo proud.
I'm thankful for my friends who came to Thanksgiving dinner. They are the best, and they brought the turkey and some other dishes. I made pie and rolls and a vegetable.  

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19 hours ago, LMR said:

I remember just 4 years ago looking outside at the fall trees in the sunshine and saying "I love this place, I love this planet"

strange, reading this, LMR, it reminded me, I did that too.  oh!   oh yeah, I remember that.    

But I'd forgotten it.  how strange to have forgotten feeling like that.   

So THANKS for the reminder!

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20 hours ago, LMR said:

I didn't take it for granted and still it was all stolen from me.

It needn't be stolen...in time you may learn to appreciate those fall colors again...walk among them and appreciate them.  And think of your beloved with you in spirit.

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3 hours ago, foreverhis said:

How could the sun keep rising

OMG, I remember thinking the same exact thoughts!

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