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I’m shocked and heartbroken


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On Wednesday morning I lost my beloved Boston Terrier in a horrific accident involving a bush hog mower.  It happened directly in front of me, I saw everything.  Now I’m all messed up over it.  Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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I am so sorry for your loss, it's the hardest thing in the world, and especially in such a tragic accident.

You might want to consider Pet Grief Counseling with EMDR.

Find a Therapist, Psychologist, Counselor - Psychology Today
Psychology Tools, CBT, EMDR
Brainspotting and EMDR

You can rest assured your dog is at peace now...


The what ifs blame game happens to most of us going through early grief, it did me when my husband died nearly 18 years ago...it's not that we are guilty of anything but loving them, and the truth is feelings are not facts, but it's that we can't wrap our heads around what happened, and our mind is trying to find some different possible outcome so it searches all the what ifs...

Comfort for Grieving Animal Lovers

A Dangerous Villain: Guilt
Breaking the Power of Guilt
A Dangerous Villain: Guilt

I hope this short video brings you some comfort and peace.





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