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Missing my nephew and losing faith in life...

Divya M

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I lost my 20 year old nephew to a freak bike accident when he took it out on a test ride and I still cant get over how it all happened and he went away in a fraction of a second. He was my first child too and my sisters only child. It breaks my heart to see them go through this pain...am supposed to support them but all I do is cry multiple times in the day feeling helpless and feeling miserable for the life lost....he just didnt deserve to go so soon.... I have my own 2 children, but I just ignore them and am in my own misery and pain.. I feel terrible as a mother, sister and aunt... sometimes I wish it was me and not him... going insane

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No you are not terrible, you are going through something...a lot, and I'm sure your kids get it.  I am so sorry for your loss.

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On 11/15/2023 at 10:01 AM, Divya M said:

I lost my 20 year old nephew to a freak bike accident when he took it out on a test ride and I still cant get over how it all happened and he went away in a fraction of a second. He was my first child too and my sisters only child. It breaks my heart to see them go through this pain...am supposed to support them but all I do is cry multiple times in the day feeling helpless and feeling miserable for the life lost....he just didnt deserve to go so soon.... I have my own 2 children, but I just ignore them and am in my own misery and pain.. I feel terrible as a mother, sister and aunt... sometimes I wish it was me and not him... going insane

My condolences to you. So sad your nephew had to leave this life too soon. Your children need you cuz they are also grieving his death.  You should count your blessings that you still have your children to love and cherish every day

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