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Putting our sweet kitty down tomorrow.


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My cat Phin is 11 and has always been healthy. But a few months ago he started having health problems and now he has multiple tumors including one right behind his eye. His quality of life has gotten so low, and he’s lost a lot of weight. I know we’re doing the right thing, but my heart is breaking. I don’t know how to deal. 

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(((hugs))) I remember when I had my 25 1/2 year old Kitty done, it was so hard.  I thought she'd live forever.  She didn't.

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I’m so sorry you are losing your sweet boy. Even though you know it is the right thing and even though it is the last and most selfless act of love, it hurts so much. You are releasing him from his pain and taking it on for yourself. We owe it to our precious companions to do this if the time comes.

It probably won’t help now, but when you can please try to remember that our pets live in the present, the “now,” so that if they are suffering that is all they know. Hold him in your arms and in your heart. He will know only love until his very last breath. That’s everything. It truly is.

 I will hold you in my thoughts as you go through this painful journey. You have found a good place to be with people who understand what it is to have the unconditional love of a special companion in our lives and who know what it is to lose them.❤️

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You think of it as taking on their pain.  In time it lessens to something more manageable, but in the beginning, it's a lot.  But he will no longer be suffering.  They are very stoic, they try to hide their pain, but it can come as a relief to you to see him out of his pain.  At the same time the human part of you will want to have him back.  I remember when my Arlie died...two weeks later I wanted to dig him up out of his grave and just see his sweet face again.  I knew not to, but the urge was so strong...this is not for them, it's for us, it's an overwhelming missing them.  But you will get through this, just keep writing your feelings as they come.

When is this scheduled for?

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