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A brief history (milestones) of the internet...


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Okay, this is fun and interesting to look back on...I remember when I went to MySpace and Tom was there and I was telling my kids about him and was angry he was bothering me on my page!  They died laughing!  :D

I worked on some of the earliest computers at a school I worked at (OTIS), it took up the whole wall and we had a Gaztetner printer that was very messy in the middle of the room with a ton of ink.  Didn't like it.  Preferred the purple ink carbon copiers that you typed out and reused again and again.  Oh those were the days!  I remember my family took a course at LCC on internet which was a big unknown back then. Had another class at a bank on phishing.  Remember Y2K not knowing for sure what would happen coming to work after the clock turned...nothing.  You had to have pretty old computers to be a  ffected.  Relieved it was a day like any other.   (IMO they could have left out Microsoft, wish some other entrepreneus could have come up with something less invasive and overriding.)   I had an iphone before they started numbering them. Then went to a flip phone. ☺️   I was disappointed the site quit with 2007, was wondering what they'd show next!  

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Yeah I kinda feel bad for kids now who didn't get to experience the heady early days of personal computing....all the new things that came out were such a big deal! Now it's all a yawn. Like going from EGA to VGA graphics or from a 286 to a 386 PC. Heck I remember my first computer programming class that used punch cards and taking a deck to the computer to run it and hoping it ran...

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I love this!  My dad worked for the AF.  We lived in California and he had to go TDY to Utah to use their computer that took up an entire room.  I remember him bringing home those cards and we would play with them.   In high school we were the first on our block to own a computer, that my dad built.  DOS with an amber screen/cursor.  Because that was WAY cooler than the green!

we didn’t really do much on the computer.  Not much transferred back then.  I do remember playing some type of adventure game that was all typed.  Zero graphics.  I found it very frustrating.  When windows and graphics did make its way into the computer world…it changed everything.  

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Hey SSC, old USAFer here. I remember when I first joined all we had were IBM Selectric typewriters and a big clunky word processor (oooh so high-tech then!). Shortly after the units started getting in these Zenith Z-100s, so cool at the time but such junk in hindsight...and it was years and years before a word processing program came along that was near as good as those old word processors. Wordstar and Wordperfect, what horribly designed software! 


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