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Regrets & Should Haves


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I can't stop thinking of all the things I complained about during the weeks prior to  my Darling  dying. We had just moved and I complained that the bathroom we were sharing wasn't big enough, there was only one sink, the other bathroom was too far away, yada yada yada, bitch bitch bitch. At one point he just said, "I'm sorry," in such a resigned way. That was about three days before his heart stopped beating. Why couldn't I just be happy we were together, that he was alive, that we loved each other and were just entering a new downsized phase of our lives. I just hate that I was always complaining those last few weeks. Not about him, but I think he took it that way. 

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6 hours ago, OldSweetie said:

Why couldn't I just be happy we were together, that he was alive, that we loved each other and were just entering a new downsized phase of our lives.

You were, you didn't know, how could you?  Regrets are no longer once we learn from them...be easy and forgiving of yourself, I'm sure he is.

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10 hours ago, OldSweetie said:

Why couldn't I just be happy we were together, that he was alive, that we loved each other and were just entering a new downsized phase of our lives. I just hate that I was always complaining those last few weeks. Not about him, but I think he took it that way. 

That kind of move for the two of you would have had its major stresses. Downsizing takes a lot of effort to let go of things and decisions of where everything is going to fit. That would have been the state of mind you were in as the two of you bravely made your way through this new phase of life. You were busy looking for ways to add more comfort to this new nest for the two of you. So much of that is just part of the ups and downs of everyday loving couple's lives. I know, right now, it all likely seems so meaningless but none of it is. Try not to have regrets about these things you were worked up about before this horrible loss. Crazy as it sounds, those will be included in the memories of your life together. 

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Amen to that, Rich!  None of us are perfect, but we sure love our spouse and they love us, no doubt about it!  As perfect as we were in our relationship, we had a couple of doozy fights, I guess the passion in us, but 99% of the time we got along great.

And it's so good to see our picture back up on the wall!

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2 hours ago, Roxeanne said:

i felt guilt for a lot of time 'cos i was not be able to save him!

Yes, I did too.  Oddly enough I have responses for pet owners going through this, but not for spouses.  

Here's a sampling of what I post for pet owners going through it:

The what ifs blame game happens to most of us going through early grief, it did me when my husband died nearly 18 years ago...it's not that we are guilty of anything but loving them, and the truth is feelings are not facts, but it's that we can't wrap our heads around what happened, and our mind is trying to find some different possible outcome so it searches all the what ifs...

Comfort for Grieving Animal Lovers

A Dangerous Villain: Guilt
Breaking the Power of Guilt
A Dangerous Villain: Guilt

We need to tell ourselves the same thing.

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