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I have read many books on near-death experiences.  I don't read the Christian books but mainly books written by medical doctors or others with more scientific or other educational credentials.  I just read the latest book by Raymond Moody who coined the term near-death experiences in the 1970s.  So many people see their loved ones after they die and even talk to them.  I don't believe all of these people are lying.  In these books people go to "Heaven" and come back to tell their story whether they are Christian, Jewish, Muslims, Hindus, agnostics, atheists or whatever. But my concern is that only some people have near-death experiences and only some people see signs of their loved ones after they die but not everybody  Why do some people see apparitions but not others?  Try as I do I can make no contact with my husband who passed away 6 months ago.  I am so broken-hearted I don't know what to do.  This planet has so much suffering and is so unjust that I just hope there is an afterlife that makes amends for all of this sadness and inequity.

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On 10/25/2023 at 9:18 AM, Nancy2 said:

 my concern is that only some people have near-death experiences and only some people see signs of their loved ones after they die but not everybody  Why do some people see apparitions but not others?  

One possible answer is that because this is such a powerful thing that some people see what they want to see, whether it's really there or not.  And/or maybe it's all just more random than we would think. When I have a dream of my beloved, is it her "visiting me from the great beyond" or just the fact that she was on my mind in a particular way before I went to sleep and dreams are just random mental and emotional static with no real rhyme or reason? I don't know and don't pretend to. Just some thoughts... 

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9 hours ago, widower2 said:

One possible answer is that because this is such a powerful thing that some people see what they want to see, whether it's really there or not.  And/or maybe it's all just more random than we would think. When I have a dream of my beloved, is it her "visiting me from the great beyond" or just the fact that she was on my mind in a particular way before I went to sleep and dreams are just random mental and emotional static with no real rhyme or reason? I don't know and don't pretend to. Just some thoughts... 

I don't know but I have read lots of books from credible sources and I now believe that some people have a 6th sense, if you will, that can see what others can't.  Sort of like a gift for music or art.

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On 10/25/2023 at 7:18 AM, Nancy2 said:

Try as I do I can make no contact with my husband who passed away 6 months ago.

I'm sorry you've felt you've not made contact with your husband.

Have you thought about booking a sitting with a medium?  I was - still am to some degree - the most cynical, skeptical SOB, but I sat with a medium 8 months ago and she told me things she could not have Googled or Facebooked, because she knew NOTHING about me or my story.  I used a fake name, my camera was off (it was a Zoom reading) and I was VERY careful to only answer with "yes / no / I don't know."  She was not fishing anyhow.

I've tried and tried to debunk my experience (the cynic in me) -   but I can't.

The only explanation I have is that the medium read my mind to get the information.  That would make her unethical and / or unskilled, inexperienced.  She is none of those.  And I've ruled out fraud.

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My friend's credit card.  Before I did that, we did an internet search to make sure there was nothing to connect him to me to my wife in any combination.  It must be said again that I was a skeptical SOB.  I was looking for every potential loophole and how to close it; Googling a credit card is something fraudulent mediums would for sure do.  Thing is, the medium only had the credit card info 30 minutes - give or take - before the reading.  So if she was a fraud, that would've been plenty of time to Google things provided she was not occupied with work and life obligations.  But even if she did Google it  - and I don't believe she did - there is nothing on the internet to connect any of us.

For me - and I speak only for me - it comes down to:  she was reading my mind............... or ...........she was an incredibly lucky guesser..........or............ she was accessing information from somewhere else.

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7 hours ago, Jemiga70 said:

My friend's credit card.  Before I did that, we did an internet search to make sure there was nothing to connect him to me to my wife in any combination.  It must be said again that I was a skeptical SOB.  I was looking for every potential loophole and how to close it; Googling a credit card is something fraudulent mediums would for sure do.  Thing is, the medium only had the credit card info 30 minutes - give or take - before the reading.  So if she was a fraud, that would've been plenty of time to Google things provided she was not occupied with work and life obligations.  But even if she did Google it  - and I don't believe she did - there is nothing on the internet to connect any of us.

For me - and I speak only for me - it comes down to:  she was reading my mind............... or ...........she was an incredibly lucky guesser..........or............ she was accessing information from somewhere else.

Can I ask you who you used?  I believe it is true if you find the right person.  I used to think it was nonsense, but I have read books from credible sources about that kind of stuff and now I believe that some people are just gifted in that skill somehow just like some children can suddenly compose music or create amazing works of art or do athletic feats without any formal training.  They are just born that way.

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5 hours ago, Nancy2 said:

Can I ask you who you used?

I'd rather not say 😉    but I will tell you she was affiliated with Forever Family Foundation.  I would trust any of the mediums from them, or Windbridge Research Center, or Helping Parents Heal to be ethical and gifted.

5 hours ago, Nancy2 said:

I used to think it was nonsense, but I have read books from credible sources about that kind of stuff and now I believe that some people are just gifted in that skill somehow just like some children can suddenly compose music or create amazing works of art or do athletic feats without any formal training.  They are just born that way.

I used to think it was nonsense too.  But the more I learned, the more I now believe there IS something to it.  Of course, there are also charlatans and people who can't do what they claim, but you can't throw out the baby with the bathwater.  And I agree with you that certain people are born with mediumistic talents.

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