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Grief brain fog


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I've struggled so much with grief brain fog... It's probably not been helped by me going into menopause at the same time, which also comes with brain fog issues of its own...

I know that I increased my carb intake a LOT especially during the first months of grieving - comfort food, I guess...

So, I'm hoping to go on a Keto diet again (have tried it in the past) and am hoping that'll help with the brain fog.

@KayC do you have any begginer's Keto advice for me?

How is everyone else dealing with grief brain fog? Have you found anything that helps?

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I have just reached my first year anniversary, so the brain fog has mostly subsided, but I wrote everything down. Lists and lists. Recognize (and forgive yourself!) that right now you need this memory aid, and figure out what works best. Google Keep online has been great for things I need over multiple devices. I also use Cozi calendar to track appointments.

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Post-Its have been my friend.  Setting multiple labeled alarms during the day.  Still struggling with getting enough quality sleep - I think that would help.  Limiting my booze seems to have helped also.

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Thanks for that @KayC  😊

I've tried Keto before and it's actually not as complicated as it looks....

But trying to start it again with brain fog, I'm finding myself getting confused by even the most basic things 🙄

So these charts are super helpful 🧡

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I hope you download them onto your computer for easy reference.  They can be printed out at first.

The one that says not to eat these foods...we tell people to eat to their meter as everyone's body is different, if it doesn't raise your blood sugar, it may be okay to have a little of it.  On the other hand, there are some Keto foods I've eaten that have raised mine.  Not everything they sell labeled Keto is good, we avoid products.  I choose to cook my own food so I know what's in it.   

Honestly, I love the way I eat and am never going off of it, I've found what works for me. If I were to eat carbs they would leave me craving food and hungry.  I do two meals a day, noon and 4:00, otherwise I do intermittent fasting, but I didn't know about it when I started Keto so all my weight loss was when I was doing three/day...intermittent fasting gives our bodies a chance to heal.  The more you do Keto the less hungry you are, and oddly enough, you only lose what you need to so don't over lose.

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