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Loss of an Unborn Child (My first)


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In April 2022 I discovered I was going to be a dad. Words cannot begin to express the joy I felt expecting my first child. I tragically lost that child at about 5 months, before she was born. It was a heart wrenching loss and a grueling road to recovery. 

I wrote a book which I just released on Amazon October 18,2023 detailing my path, the father's perspective on the loss of an unborn child

It was my hope that this book would help someone else overcome the devastation I went through losing my baby girl. Even today the sound of my baby's heartbeat plays in my head. It's a trauma I would wish on no man.



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I am so sorry. My son died at 3 weeks after birth sixteen years ago. It is absolutely brutal.

The main thing that gets me through is my firm belief that I will see him again in Heaven. I believe that he is cheering us on everyday. I do my best to make him proud and honor his short life with my life. A few times a year, I donate $15 or $25 to something in his name. When I receive the confirmation email or letter with his name, it feels like he is able to make an impact on this earth.

Another thing that really helps is having other children. At first I was afraid to have another child. I was afraid that I was trying to replace my son who died. I was afraid that every time I looked at them, I would think of my son. I was also afraid I would forget about him. But that is not the case at all. Instead my other children give me a shadow of a glimpse into who my son might have been and who he is in Heaven. And now there are more people who love my son like I do. They talk about their brother and how excited they are to meet him one day. Sometimes, they cry and say they wish he was here now. But for the most part, they think of him with such joy that it helps me think of him in that way too.

I will pray for you and ask my son to befriend your daughter in Heaven. I like to think that these kids have a strong connection with each other in the afterlife and that they do everything they can for their families back on earth. May you find some moments of joy when you think of her, connection in the moments when you grieve her, and peace in between.

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I'm terrified to even think about another child. There is this internal fear.

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