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Righting a wrong through the legal system

Janet Collier

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Janet Collier

My mother was found murdered October 11 1975,she was given Jane Doe #192,later on that day (October 11th) babysitter identified my mother.as stated in the coroner 's report.

In police report, same babysitter,states she became concerned about my mother after reading the Sunday news paper because a unidentified murdered victim matched my mother's therefore contacting sheriff's department.

Not possible which is it  Saturday or Sunday  I have documents proving this person made these  statements in the coroner's report and police report and i am told by contact in major crime unit there is nothing wrong with a person doing this 

Person who found my mother and reported it to police,states in the only written statement in police report, 

Quote when I came back with the young officer, there was a man , in a 65/66 Chevy gold colored he stopped about 40 yards from the body.he stop the young  cop contacted him and told him to leave. I guess he got his name.but I am not sure unquote. There is nothing wrong with this I am told .

What do you think??? If it was your mother would this be ok ? I feel it should not matter who's mother it is , do your job , and get information and process that **** period .

I am told there is nothing wrong with this...

Edited by Janet Collier
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