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I lost my cat in a accident


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On 5th September 2023, I lost my cat. He is an indoor outdoor cat and had gone out at night, which he seldomly does. At 11 o clock we got a call from our neighbour, she had found our cat lying on the road, lifeless. I have been missing him so much. So so much. The whole house feels so empty without him. It's like we lost a toddler. I never see a cat in him, he always reminds me of a person. He is family, the youngest amongst us.

We are going to shift soon, I had planned out so many things for him, now every nook in the house haunts me. What I'd give to hear his voice again one last time!

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I am so sorry, I know this loss to be one of the hardest as they love us unconditionally and fill our lives with love...we interact with them daily and it IS a loss of a close family member.  :(


You can rest assured your kitty is at peace now...

The what ifs blame game happens to most of us going through early grief, it did me when my husband died nearly 18 years ago...it's not that we are guilty of anything but loving them, and the truth is feelings are not facts, but it's that we can't wrap our heads around what happened, and our mind is trying to find some different possible outcome so it searches all the what ifs...

Comfort for Grieving Animal Lovers

A Dangerous Villain: Guilt
Breaking the Power of Guilt
A Dangerous Villain: Guilt

I hope this short video brings you some comfort and peace.
My heart goes out to you in your loss. :wub:


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3 hours ago, KayC said:

I am so sorry, I know this loss to be one of the hardest as they love us unconditionally and fill our lives with love...we interact with them daily and it IS a loss of a close family member.  :(


You can rest assured your kitty is at peace now...

The what ifs blame game happens to most of us going through early grief, it did me when my husband died nearly 18 years ago...it's not that we are guilty of anything but loving them, and the truth is feelings are not facts, but it's that we can't wrap our heads around what happened, and our mind is trying to find some different possible outcome so it searches all the what ifs...

Comfort for Grieving Animal Lovers

A Dangerous Villain: Guilt
Breaking the Power of Guilt
A Dangerous Villain: Guilt

I hope this short video brings you some comfort and peace.
My heart goes out to you in your loss. :wub:


Thank you so much. I am sure your husband lived a wonderful life with you. And I hope you're doing okay now. Sending love your way. ❤️

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Oh no, so sorry to read this.

My cats have all been strictly indoors... there are so many dangers outside. But I know it's hard because they all do love to go out so much. I am so sorry for your loss. :(

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