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My dog, Ayla was born January 18th 2010 and died September 5th 2023, she was a Husky/Weimaraner mix and she was poisoned. She got acute kidney failure, seizures, and died in my arms. She had a painful ending and someone decided to do that to her on purpose. I am so sad that she had to experience that not knowing what was happening to her. I feel helpless. 

I can't comprehend why someone would do that to an already elderly dog. They are evil. I know God will give them what they deserve. I miss her so much. She is the reason I am alive today. She saved me from ending my own life. I learned so much about love and patience and had my baby ripped from beneath my wing.

I miss her so much.

I do not know how to move on.

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I am so sorry for your loss, and especially the way it went down for her.skies are my favorite dog, now that I am older, I have a Klee Kai, which is a miniature Husky.

No dog should ever go through what yours went through...the vet botched my Arlie's euthanasia when he was dying from cancer, and he went out in severe pain, so I know the trauma from watching your dog go through that.  I just want to say, she is out of it now and at peace...unfortunately, it seems her pain is transferred to you, as it often does when we're grieving.  It won't always feel this intense, but right now I know how hard it must feel for you.

Where did she get such poison, do you think someone put it on your property?  I am so sorry, my heart really goes out to you.  It helps to come here, to read and post, it helps to know there are others that care and understand, and it helps process your grief.

Comfort for Grieving Animal Lovers



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7 hours ago, KayC said:

Where did she get such poison, do you think someone put it on your property?

We've been having people sneak in at night and when we are not at home vandalizing our property. They try to get into our cars, they stole the bumper off my Acura and replaced it with a different one that makes it look like it has an underbite. They dig up our plants, steal from our garden and break into our house. We have grapes that were about to ripen when she got sick. She was left home because it was getting hard to get her motivated. She had a bad back. So I left her comfy at home. I didn't think that vandalism and petty theft would become animal cruelty. My grandma has 4 dogs and more accessable than mine and they hadn't had anything happen to them. If I ever get another dog again it will be when I have the time to never let it out of my sight. Thank you for your reply, it feels good to talk about this with someone new. 

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I supervise my Klee Kai 24/7 because tere are cougars around, also he's a digger.  I can trust him off leash, it's just where I live in the country, too many wild animals.  He has a fenced front yard but I don't leave him in the back as it's too near the forest.  My feral cat is used to fending for myself.

I also registered my dog as a service dog so he can come with me to the doctor, church, get groceries.  I am so sorry you are going through this, no one should ever have to.

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HI PupPappy I am so sorry you have had to go through this.  My son died in December.  Prior to that, his tibetan spaniel was poisoned.  How do I know?  I had 3 of them at the time.  They all were together all the time and if one found something to eat they all would have eaten it---only she ate whatever it was.  I took her to the vet, he said "she has parvo">  I said "she doesn't have parvo- she has been vacccinated--but she had the symptoms of parvo.  TUrns out I was right- but he saved her life staying the night with her- this old veterinarian---what a kind and gently man.    She recovered and this was about 5 yrs ago.  I was so angry that someone would do this.  She did bark but she weighed 9 lbs.  So she wasn't bothering anyone.  Fast forward 5 years---she survived but had health concerns.  My son died.  SHe never got over his death and the health problems from her poisoning became a problem.  Not eating, throwing up, bloody stools, bloody vomit etc.  She died a few months after he did.  The daughter--who I have, is also suffering.  She found moms grave and lays on it.  Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and anyone who tells me they don't grieve or feel loss is not very smart.  She is grieving---she either lays on moms grave or follows me everywhere.  I miss them both.  I am so sorry some cruel thoughtless person did this.  I wish I could make it right for you----my advice is to get another asap.  THere are a lot of dogs who need the kind of love you would give and you need it too.  

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