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Robbed of my beautiful kitty’s life


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I feel robbed, yesterday myself and my partner had to make the horrible decision to put our girl Lyra to sleep, at the tender age of 3.

she had no signs of illness, had no indication she had anything wrong with her until Saturday where she was acting a little lethargic (we attributed it to the hot weather we’ve been having) 

but yesterday morning we came down, she was lame, open mouthed breathing, wouldn’t eat/drink and would barely move. 

we took her to the emergency out of hours vet who immediately put her on oxygen but she didn’t respond.

She was diagnosed with pericardial effusion (heart failure) and was told even if we took the option of referring her, the chances were so slim she’d recover and may not even make it to that date. 

So we made the heartbreaking decision to put her to sleep in our arms and she went almost instantly, the image of her taking her last breath will stay with me forever.
she was truly one of a kind, and so uncat like with her affection and how much she loved a cuddle.

so Yeha, me and my partner are absolute wrecks at the moment and just feel lost.

i just Hope she realises how much she was loved.

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I am so sorry for your loss.  Its the hardest thing in the world to lose our pets, they are members of our family and interact with us daily.  Getting used to that disruption is so hard, and I wish we never had to experience that.  I've lost 25 cats and ten dogs over the year (I'm old now). To lose her so young seems beyond hard.

You can rest assured your kitty is at peace now... 



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