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Lost a wonderful Coworker


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I worked with a sweet sweet lady named Cathy for slightly more than a year. She’d come from another department and was going to work with me until she retired. Most of the people I see are warehouse workers. Nice people but we don’t connect much. Cathy & I connected. She had a wide variety of experiences.  She was extremely bright. Loved art. Loved theater & movies. We just had things we could talk about. She had amazing character too. Had very strong beliefs and consistently did what she believed was right.  She was a fighter!  Just a good person.  I liked her and honestly admired her. 

Cathy passed away suddenly.  We received an email from the boss one day that said “FYI” & then posted a text he received.  Absolutely a lousy way find out. What kind of shocked me was how quickly everyone in the warehouse just moved on. An hour later everyone was laughing & goofing off like normal. This was someone they saw & talked to every day!  At one point I showed some emotion while getting her desk cleaned out.  Later, I heard the guys whisper “I think he’s really upset.”  They were shocked.  I’ve been disgusted ever since.  It’s like something is wrong with me because I’m grieving.  Cathy & I worked physically removed from everyone so we really bonded  we were a team.  She was my buddy.  

I’m by myself again. Without Cathy, I’m completely removed from everyone.  I have no one to talk to.  I miss her. I miss our conversations. I’ve posted how I lost my mother in 2021. Following that, it was nice to have Cathy be a part of my life. When I was sick she’d call to see how I was. When I wrecked my car she offered to give me a ride to work. She gave me food.  She was a comfort. I really liked her so much. I could talk differently to her.  I feel so removed from everyone now because I’m disgusted by how they’ve acted.

 I just wanted to share. I lost a great friend.  I love & miss you my dear sweet friend. 

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