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Lost my Mother to ALS


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Hello all,

I'm 18 years old, going to be 19 in July, and my mind is just not letting me relax. I have times where I can be super happy, but other times where the anxiety completely takes over my emotion. a little over a year ago, I lost my mom to ALS. Those of you who know of it know how horrible it is. For five years, I had to watch my mom die, not having a single person to talk to about it. When she finally passed away, I distracted my self with many substances. Recently, I took my self off everything that nummbed me, and I'm finally feeling the pain. i'm feeling that horrible feeling that my mom is gone. I never really had a good relationship with my Father, and it is still a little broken. I am outwardly gay, and that is another stressor. I just need some help! PLEASE! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Keep in mind, I have MAJOR OCD problems towards garage doors and openers. Ever since I was a little child I would always be around garage doors, and I've been obsessed with them, how they work, and operate. Since my mom died, and well before, I am constantly opening and closing my garage doors, hearing that sound over and over again... I am NOT suicidal, but I am very depressed at times. Please help.

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I am sorry for your loss. I want you to know that what you are going through emotionally is very normal. Depression is one of the normal steps in the grieving process.

I am worried that you have taken yourself off everything that nummbed you. This should only be done with a doctor as going off medications to soon may increase your depression.

You have a lot of factors to your grieving. May I suggest you see a counselor or join a grief group in your area (check the local churches and hosptials). You do need help with this. I care and I want you to be a better you.



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