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Why cant i accept?


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Why cant i even come close to accepting the loss of my brother 3 years later i am in denial i cant accept it? I cant look at pictures, or videos without breaking down. I cant ever vision myself being happy again in life

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I feel the same way! I’m the youngest of 6 girls and I’m our eldest sister recently passed and I feel like it’s not real and I’ll never accept or get over it. I feel like a hallow shell , I feel guilty , I pretend to be happy but I honestly don’t feel much of anything…. I’m no longer living , just surviving 😒

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It's hard, I've lost my two older sisters, they were there all my life!  The oldest kind of pulled our family together, she was quadriplegic and we'd come from all over the state to take her out to lunch and shopping once a month, it gave her something to look forward to.  After the first couple of years after her accident (she was 25), she never complained!  I admired her so much.  The other sister is the one I was closest to, we lived in the same town and her husband died 1 1/2 years before her, they left a huge hole in my life, I loved them so much!  I used to talk to her every day, she was also disabled (same accident) although hers was balance issues, and she had dementia, I was her caregiver.  The first month after she died I was in shock for sure!  It's very hard to accept.  It's been almost 1 1/2 years since she's passed and I know all too well she's gone, but it'd like some of the light has gone out of my life.  We were each other's emotional support and best friends.

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