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knowing beforehand


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This has been lingering in my mind for a while, and it came up again just recently so I figured this would be the best place for this subject. 


About a year-ish ago, my friend and I had a girls night, and well, the drinks got flowing and we were having a good time, and we got to talking about our lost loved ones, and she told me that a week before my mom passed, she called my friend and said "Please just be there for Tori" and that's stuck with me since then.


Flash forward to a few days ago, I have a coworker whose dad passed away, and a couple weeks before he passed, he told my coworker to "please just take care of your sisters, always."


Now this has me thinking...do they sometimes know when it's going to happen? I understand why they wouldn't want to tell us, but do they know? For clarification, my mom had stage four metastatic breast cancer, and I'm not sure about my coworkers dad. 


Thank you in advance! 

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Daddys girl kw

hi dear 


i believe some of our lost loved ones do know they are leaving us .. some through dreams or just a sensation of the end , some do start seeing their lost  loved ones visiting them in spirit, i’m a believer of God so i guess my belief will affect my view in the matter i believe it depends on the person some have a sudden death in their sleep or an accident and i believe this is the best for them though it’s a shock and a trauma for their loved ones but God knows that they can’t handle knowing before hand, some do know they are leaving us , even in their sleep without sickness they will start having a conversation with close relatives asking them to take care of their wife/husband/kids…etc 


i don’t know i think my dad May he RIP and my grandad May he Rip knew 


for me i don’t know which way is better


i guess i’ll leave it To GOD he knows ❤️

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