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Moving on


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Im 21 and I’ve spent my entire life in the system. I’ve always been alone and I lost my mom when I was young. I’m realizing as I’m going through my healing process that I can’t do this alone. That the people around me don’t understand what it’s like to be beaten and raped and hurt and abandoned. They don’t know what it’s like to have no one at all. I don’t know if this is the right group but I’m looking for help. I’ve always been thrown from home to home and I’ve always felt so alone. Im reaching out to see if there are others who are like me who have felt this way. How did you get through it? Im at my breaking point. I don’t know how much longer I can keep surviving

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To say I am sorry for what happened to you seems so insignificant... but I truly do offer my deepest empathy for all you have suffered in your young life. 

You deserved a home and loving family. You are worthy of love. You have made it this far because of your strength. You are  survivor and one day, will be able to help others going through similar situations. Never doubt your self worth. The people who hurt you will face the justice of karma. I believe that. 

I hope there is somewhere you can go to in your community for help and someone to listen and help you heal. 

Thinking of you and sending my love and hugs. 


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