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Receiving messages from mom


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Hi all, I lost my mom in May of 2020. I've received signs from her since then, but lately theres been a repeating one. My mom had another husband before she met my dad, so I have three siblings that are not my dad's biological children. Well, after my mom married my dad, I guess there was a lot of custody issues with her ex husband. Last night I walked out of my bedroom to find a folded up packet outside my door. I picked it up and it was a letter from 2004 saying that my mom's ex husband was no longer going to be paying child support. I figured one of my cats found it, and while I was confused as to how they even got it upstairs, I was too tired to ponder and went to bed. My dad found it today and put it in a drawer, he never liked the ex husband. 


Fast forward to today, I walked into the living room to find the same letter on the floor by the couch. Now I know my cats couldn't have opened the drawer and just happen to pull out that same letter. I think my mom is trying to send me a message. Any advice as to what I should do with this? I've never had a reoccurring sign like this before.


Thank you in advance! 



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Hi HartofSteel, this is one of the most recent posts on this ADCs Visions and Dreams segment of the board, so I'm hoping you may still be waiting for an answer.  

All I could give you would be my 2-cents worth of course, but maybe your mom just wants you to know she went through many years without support from her ex.  Or maybe she wants her other kids to know that.  Such a letter, from a legal point of view, seems to me to imply that she may never have had a legal judgment filed forcing her ex to pay child support, so he had just voluntarily been paying it.   Or, her elder children had passed the age of majority as of 2004?   Maybe she's trying to get you to go to the courthouse, pull whatever file there may be in her name, and find out what were the terms of her divorce?  ... could be?  Again, it's enigmatic, BUT that this happened is AMAZING in itself, to me!

I too have had what I consider to be "signs" from my husband who died June 3, 2022, and I have been going through grief ever since.   My name on here, "Boggled," is about the state of mind induced by my newfound flat-out belief ... that there IS life after death!  And my husband was able and succeeded in getting through to me, at least in the early months.  

So yes, I do think this is just too "real" to be just coincidental.  

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