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Still in shock


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I don't think that missing them ever stops. Some days I don't know who I am without her. But like you I carry on and hope I can find some peace and happiness. 

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Nancy, it sounds like you're doing what you can and I applaud you for that, I know the effort it takes...I haven't traveled without George, but I had to work and now I am nearly 71 with injuries that have left permanent damage and loss of strength.  It's enough to just keep this place up and keep going. 

You are so right, the missing them never stops.

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Nancy:  We on this board are very sorry for your loss. We have also experienced similar feelings to the ones you described. In addition, we’ve all been doing our best in coping with the “ new normal” in our lives. What has helped us all is this board and the members who are here to listen, sympathize and support each other each and every day. We hope that you’ll continue to post here. WELCOME!!

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