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Beloved cat


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My cat passed away recently at only 3 years of age and I feel miserable since I was really attached to her.

Due to circumstances I've had to live with my parents for the last couple months. We've always had pets growing up so my parents decided to adopt a ~2yr old cat for me and I quickly fell in love with her quirks and tendencies.

She was timid at first but adapted to her new surroundings really fast(my parents live on the countryside, so lots of space and good hunting grounds). She quickly became very talkative and caring which she often showed. I read that when a cat looks like she is spraying but not actually urinating she's expressing her love/content. She often did this multiple times daily(especially when treated with her favourite snacks)

She'd always follow me around safeguarding whenever I went out for work, getting a smoke, throwing out trash etc. Whenever I went to my neighbours she'd run after me, hide in a bush and meow for me to come home, even though she was deathly afraid of other people.

Im not going to go into details about her passing but knowing how much she loved it here with us and the fact she died so young ruins me. She had such a good life filled with love and affection ahead of her and was practically robbed of all of it.

This is the first pet I've come to love and care for to this extent and I miss her so much.










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My heart hurts for you in your loss.  I know how that hurts, and it's hard.

You can rest assured your kitty is at peace now...

The what ifs blame game happens to most of us going through early grief, it did me when my husband died nearly 18 years ago...it's not that we are guilty of anything but loving them, and the truth is feelings are not facts, but it's that we can't wrap our heads around what happened, and our mind is trying to find some different possible outcome so it searches all the what ifs...

Comfort for Grieving Animal Lovers

A Dangerous Villain: Guilt
Breaking the Power of Guilt
A Dangerous Villain: Guilt

I hope this short video brings you some comfort and peace.


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What an absolute sweetheart. I’m so very sorry you lost her. When we have a close and loving bond with our animal companions, we grieve deeply, no matter how long we’ve had with them and no matter how we lost them.

Please know you are not alone. Sometimes people do not or cannot understand how much it hurts and how much we miss them. The members here do.❤️

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Thanks, everyone. Your condolences and kind words are much appreciated❤️

It's progresssively getting better, even though I feel that it's mostly due to distractions. Sometimes I can't help but slip into these thoughts of what could've been, had I brought her in sooner, blaming myself for my indecisiveness etc.

I recognize that it's a natural response of grieving but it's hard to not feel sensitive about it.

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Yes, we go through all the whatifs as if we are somehow to blame but in actuality, you'd have done anything for her and gave her a home and she loved you for it.

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Hi, I'm April, and new to this forum.

I offer you my sympathy. She left too early. She is in a good place now.

I also lost my fur babies at an early age, Please know you are not alone in this phase, There are people who don't understand the pain of losing a pet but there are also people who understand you.

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