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Hi, I’m a first time mum who lost her own mum unexpectedly whilst 7 months pregnant. I’m really struggling with her not meeting my baby or being there for advise and greatly missing her. 
I don’t really have any other family to help or talk to either so thought maybe if there was anyone else who knows how it feels it might help a little. 

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Dear NewMum21,

I wish you congratulations on your beautiful baby and also condolences on the death of your much loved mum. 

That must be so very difficult, I'm so sorry.  I can't imagine the grief and hormones combined after having a baby. Taking care of a newborn while grieving must be so hard. I hope you have a partner who is helping you? You will need time to yourself so you can process this enormous life change. 

You mentioned you don't really have any other family to talk to - that must make you feel isolated. Is there anyway you could join a free grief support group near you? Can you rely on someone once a week to care for the baby, so you could attend the group? 

I wrote in a journal to my mom and it helped. Maybe you could start a special journal just to her, to share her grandchild's growth and development. It could be passed down to your child later on.

I hope you are able to find some support and my heart goes out to you. Please know you're not alone. 


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